
Tips for Sticking to Your New Year's Resolution from our Providers 2024

Written by Kelsey Collins | Dec 27, 2023 7:18:25 PM

With another year gone, it is that time of year again to promise yourself that you will eat healthily, hit the gym often, and fit into that outfit that you’ve been holding on to for years.  In other words, it is that time to create those New Year’s resolutions.  Here are some simple pointers from our providers to help you achieve your goals. 


Kaleigh McA'Nulty:

Kaleigh: When you are picking a resolution for the new year, it isn't so much about what you choose, but how you are going to go about achieving it. Saying you want to lose weight, get more sleep, exercise more, etc is great, but it is just an idea until you get serious about putting a plan together to make it happen. Think about setting up your environment for success. Want to lose weight? Stock your fridge with fruits and veggies. Get more sleep? Set an alarm every night to remind you to go to bed on time. Exercise more? Set out your workout clothes every night for the following morning, or even sleep in them as pajamas with your sneakers ready to go by the bed. Put your energy into the process instead of fixating on the outcome.

Mary Orfao:

Mary: Start small! Even if you do you new habit for only 2 minutes a day then you will convince yourself you can be consistent. Consistency is 90% of the battle!

Make your new habit VISIBLE and CONVENIENT! For example, if you want to eat more fruit. Display your fruit in a bowl in the center of your kitchen table. If you want to walk more… put your sneakers and socks by the front door.

Idenice Sargut:

Idenice: I have been encouraging each of my patients to write 24 commitments to themselves for 2024.That could be: choose once or few times a week, 5 minutes meditation, go for a walk every afternoon, or listen to podcast that are educational to grow or once a month self-care routine, etc.